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SQL String Functions

Introduction to SQL Server’s String Functions

The built in SQL String functions make it possible for you to find and alter text values, such as VARCHAR and CHAR datatypes, in SQLServer.  Using these functions you can alter a text value such as changing “Smith, Joe” to “Joe Smith.”

The built in SQL String functions make it possible for you to find and alter text values, such as VARCHAR and CHAR datatypes, in SQLServer.  Using these functions you can alter a text value such as changing “Smith, Joe” to “Joe Smith.”

If you not familiar with SQL functions, then I would recommend staring with the Introduction to SQL Server Built-In Functions.

To get the most of this and our other lessons be sure to practice using the examples!

These functions are used to manipulate or return information about text expression such as CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes.

There are many string functions at your disposal.  I would generally categorize them as:

Character Set

All of the functions are listed on the String Functions (Transact-SQL) page.  I would recommend visiting that page to learn about each function.

In the following table I categorized the functions and color coded them.  The color code corresponds to the likely hood you would use that particular function in a business environment.  Green are most likely to be used, and red less.

This isn’t a strict scale, and all functions have a use in some business case, but I wanted a way to help you winnow down the field to those most relevant.

Here is my attempt:

Commonly Used SQL String Functions

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