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SQL Queries

Writing a SQL Query is part art and part craft.  I say this as not only do you need to know a query’s syntax and technical considerations, the craft, but you also need to understand how to formulate a query to match real-world use cases, the art.

For if you can take a customer’s request, or yours for that matter, and formulate it into a meaningful SQL statement, not matter how well you understand how a SQL query works, you won’t deliver value.

SQL Queries – Craft

Before we get into the art, let’s explore the craft.  I’ve already written a slew of articles to help you.  Here are some to get you started writing SQL Queries:


You may already know some of these topics.  That’s great!  If not,  just start with SQL SELECT.  It’s a great starting point.

The ART of Writing SQL QUERIES

To be honest, I think this is the hardest part to master.  Here you need to learn to “encode” your customers requirements into SQL to get the desired result.  It’s frustrating, as SQL is one of those language where you don’t tell the computer “how” to do it, but “what” you want.

For some developers this is a big change, for they are used to writing algorithms to instruct the computer how to do operations.

With SQL you specify what result you want returned, and then it is up to the DBMS (Database Management System) to make it happen.

I’ve tried to convey the process I used to write a query in the Three Steps to Writing SQL.  You’ll see I go through all the steps in detail.  Once you get the hang, these steps become intuitive.  It becomes second nature before long.

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    SQL COUNT Function

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