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SQL How To

This archive contains slew of posts on how to use SQL to solve problem. If you have a question about a particular issue, or technique, you may find a solution here.

For instance, here is one of our more “fun” article on how to use SQL to create a bar chart: How to Create A Bar Chart Using SQL Server

If you’re studying for the 70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server certification, these two articles are a must read:

How to Create a 70-761 Study Plan Today!
9 Best Study Tips for 70-761 Certification
All the examples for this lesson are based on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and the sample databases AdventureWorks and WideWorldImporters. You can get started using these free tools using my guide Getting Started Using SQL Server

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  • Compare Two Moving Averages in SQL


    Compare Two Moving Averages in SQL

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  • Find and Remove Duplicates in SQL
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    Find and Remove Duplicates in SQL

    Problem You want to remove duplicates in SQL. You know it is easy to find duplicates using GROUP BY, but how do your remove all but one? Background Here’s an example of how to find duplicate records using a window function in SQL: Suppose we have a table of students that includes columns for student…

  • How to Find Duplicates using a Windows Function?


    How to Find Duplicates using a Windows Function?

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  • How to do an Impossible Join with String Split


    How to do an Impossible Join with String Split

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    How do I use the Like Clause in SQL Server?

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  • How do I combine results from several SQL tables (hint: there are three ways)
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    How do I combine results from several SQL tables (hint: there are three ways)

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  • Replace Missing Values in your Queries using ISNULL


    Replace Missing Values in your Queries using ISNULL

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  • How To Find Duplicates in SQL using Window Functions
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    How To Find Duplicates in SQL using Window Functions

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    Three Tips To Learn SQL Easily

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  • Use SQL to Calculate a Running Total
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    Use SQL to Calculate a Running Total

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  • How to Create a 70-761 Study Plan Today!


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  • Learn how to Work Joins and Messy Data
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    Learn how to Work Joins and Messy Data

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  • How to Create A Bar Chart Using SQL Server
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    How to Create A Bar Chart Using SQL Server

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  • Select the Top Row from your result.


    Select the Top Row from your result.

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