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How can I find Duplicate Values in SQL Server?




In this article find out how to find duplicate values in a table or view using SQL.  We’ll go step by step through the process.  We’ll start with a simple problem, slowly build up the SQL, until we achieve the end result.

By the end you’ll understand the pattern used to identify duplicate values and be able to use in in your database.

All the examples for this lesson are based on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and the AdventureWorks2012 database.  You can get started using these free tools using my Guide Getting Started Using SQL Server.

Find Duplicate Values in SQL Server

Let’s get started.  We’ll base this article on a real-world request; the human resource manager would like you to find all employees sharing the same birthday.  She would like the list sorted by BirthDate and EmployeeName.

After looking at the database it becomes apparent the HumanResources.Employee table is the one to use as it contains employee birthdates.

At first glance it seem like it would be pretty easy to find duplicate values in SQL server.  After all we can easily sort the data.

Duplicate Birth Dates Found in our Data
Duplicate Birth Dates

But once the data is sorted it gets harder!  Since SQL is a set based language, there is not an easy way, except for using cursors, to know the previous record’s values.

If we knew these, we could just compare values, and when they were the same flag the records as duplicates.

Luckily there is another way for us to do this.  We’ll use an INNER JOIN to match employee birthdays.  By doing so, we’ll get a list of employees sharing the same birthdate.

This is going to be a build-as you go article.  I’ll start out with a simple query, show results, and point out what needs refinement and move on.  We’ll start out with getting a list of employees and their birthdates.

Step 1 – Get a List of Employees Sorted By Birthdate

When working with SQL, especially in uncharted territory, I feel it is better to build a statement in small steps, verifying results as you go, rather than writing the “final” SQL in one step, to only find I need to troubleshoot it.

Hint:  If you’re working with a very large database, then it may make sense to make a smaller copy as your dev or test version and use that to write your queries.  That way you don’t kill the production database’s performance and get everyone down on you.

So for our first step, we are going to list all employees.  To do so,we’ll join the Employee table to the Person table to so we can get the employee’s name.

Here is the query so far

SELECT   E1.BusinessEntityID,
         P.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName,
FROM     HumanResources.Employee AS E1
         INNER JOIN
         Person.Person AS P
         ON P.BusinessEntityID = E1.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY E1.BirthDate, FullName

If you look at the result you see we have all the elements of the HR manager’s request, except that we’re displaying every employee

Results we want to see
Employee Names and Birth Datess

In the next step we’ll set up the results so we can start to compare birth dates to find duplicate values.

STEP 2 – Compare Birthdates to Identify Duplicates.

Now that we have a list of employees we now need a means to compare birthdates so we can identify employees with the same birthdates.  In general these are duplicate values.

To do the comparison we’ll do a self-join on the employee table.  A self-join is just a simplified version of an INNER JOIN.   We start out using BirthDate as our join condition.  This ensures we’re only retrieving employees with the same birth date.

SELECT   E1.BusinessEntityID,
         P.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName,
FROM     HumanResources.Employee AS E1
         INNER JOIN
         Person.Person AS P
         ON P.BusinessEntityID = E1.BusinessEntityID
         INNER JOIN
         HumanResources.Employee AS E2
         ON E2.BirthDate = E1.BirthDate
ORDER BY E1.BirthDate, FullName

I added E2.BusinessEntityID to the query so you can compare the primary key from both E1 and E2.  You see in many cases that they are the same.

The reason we’re focusing on BusinessEntityID is that it is the primary key and the unique identifier for the table.  It becomes a highly concise and convenient means to identify a row’s results and to understand its source.

We’re getting closer to obtaining our final result, but once you check out the results you’ll see we’re picking up the same record in both the E1 and E2 match.

Check out the items circled in red.  Those are the false positives we need to eliminate from our results.  Those are the same rows matching to themselves.

The good news is we are really close to just identifying the duplicates.

I circled a 100% guaranteed duplicate in blue.  Notice that the BusinessEntityID’s are different.  This indicates the self-join is matching BirthDate on different rows – true duplicates to be sure.

Duplicate Data and False Positives Identified
Duplicates Identified, but with False Positives

In the next step we’ll take those false positives head on and remove them from our results.

Step 3 – Eliminate Matches to Same Row – Remove False Positives

In the prior step you may have noticed all the false positive matches have the same BusinessEntityID; whereas, the true duplicates were not equal.

This is our big hint.

If we want to only see duplicates, then we need to only bring back matches from the join where the BusinessEntityID values are not equal.

To do this we can add

E2.BusinessEntityID <> E1.BusinessEntityID

As a join condition to our self-join.  I’ve colored the added condition in red.

SELECT   E1.BusinessEntityID,
         P.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName,
FROM     HumanResources.Employee AS E1
         INNER JOIN
         Person.Person AS P
         ON P.BusinessEntityID = E1.BusinessEntityID
         INNER JOIN
         HumanResources.Employee AS E2
         ON E2.BirthDate = E1.BirthDate
            AND E2.BusinessEntityID <> E1.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY E1.BirthDate, FullName

Once this query is run you’ll see there are fewer rows in the results, and those which remain are truly duplicates.

False Positives Removed from Identified Duplicates
Duplicates with False Positives Removed

Since this was a business request, let’s clean up the query so we are only showing the information requested.

Step 4 – Final Touches

Let’s get rid of the BusinessEntityID values from the query.  They were there only to help us troubleshoot.

The final query is listed here

SELECT   P.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName,
FROM     HumanResources.Employee AS E1
         INNER JOIN
         Person.Person AS P
         ON P.BusinessEntityID = E1.BusinessEntityID
         INNER JOIN
         HumanResources.Employee AS E2
         ON E2.BirthDate = E1.BirthDate
            AND E2.BusinessEntityID <> E1.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY E1.BirthDate, FullName

And here are the results you can present to the HR Manager!

Presentable Results
Presentable Results

Mark, one of my readers, pointed out to me that if there are three employees that have the same birth dates, then you would have duplicates in the final results.  I verified this and that is true.  To return a list show each duplicate only once, you can use the DISTINCT clause.  This query work in all cases:

SELECT   DISTINCT P.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName,
FROM     HumanResources.Employee AS E1
         INNER JOIN
         Person.Person AS P
         ON P.BusinessEntityID = E1.BusinessEntityID
         INNER JOIN
         HumanResources.Employee AS E2
         ON E2.BirthDate = E1.BirthDate
            AND E2.BusinessEntityID <> E1.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY E1.BirthDate, FullName

Final Comments

To summarize here are the steps we took to identify duplicate data in our table.

  1. We first created a query of the data we want to view. In our example this was the employee and their birth date.
  2. We performed a self-join, INNER JOIN on same table in geek speak, and using the field we deemed a duplicated. In our case we wanted to find duplicate birthdays.
  3. Finally we eliminated matches to the same row by excluding rows where the primary keys were the same.

By taking a step by step approach you can see we took a lot of the guess work out of creating the query.

If you’re looking to improve how you write your queries or are just confounded by it all and looking for a way to clear the fog, then may I suggest my guide Three Steps to Better SQL.

Related Articles

SQL Joins – The Ultimate Guide

Remove Duplicates Using Window Functions


5 responses to “How can I find Duplicate Values in SQL Server?”
  1. Philip van Gass

    I tried to test Mark’s statement about 3 people having the same birth date by attempting to add records to HumanResources.Employee and Person.Person but hit an obstacle in the form of foreign keys for the BusinessEntityID field on both those tables. So you can’t add a record to either of those tables unless the BusinessEntityID value exists on the other one (because they are linked in that way). So it was impossible. Try it yourself and see if you can solve it.

    1. It’s a confusing database… You need to put a record into Person.BusinessEntity. That will then generate the BusinessEntityID key, which you can use throughout the database.

      I have no clue why MS made it so confusing…

  2. Arvin P Aquio

    It was a very nice lesson you’ve got there mate. And yeah, the problem I see too is the possibility of three distinct person shares the same birth date. If I will be the one to sort this problem out, I would just go with the use of group clause. All in all, it is a great solution you have shared. Thanks!

  3. Mark

    Would this work if 3 or more people had the same birthdate? It seems to me that with 3 people sharing the same date, each of the 3 would be listed twice.

    1. Hi Mark! Your’re right, when there are three values the query returns duplicates.

      I couldn’t find three employees with the same BirthDate, but there are many with the same HireDate. I used this to verify your hunch and to provide a fix. I’ve since update the article, but in case you’re curious, here is the query I used with HireDate to come up with the correction:

      SELECT DISTINCT P.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName,
      FROM HumanResources.Employee AS E1
      Person.Person AS P
      ON P.BusinessEntityID = E1.BusinessEntityID
      HumanResources.Employee AS E2
      ON E2.HireDate = E1.HireDate
      AND E2.BusinessEntityID <> E1.BusinessEntityID
      ORDER BY E1.HireDate, FullName

      I’m sure there are some purists that wouldn’t go for the Distinct clause, oh well..

      Anyways there are also other ways to identify distinct values, such as using group by and counts. Maybe I’ll write an article about that next time!

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