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EssentialSQL is always looking for new contributors to bring fresh ideas, know-how and topics about the ever-changing world of SQL Server to our readers.

The blog caters to a large audience of business analysts, developers, database administrators, and those just learning how to use SQL. Contributions should speak clearly to one of these segments and offer the reader actionable tips that they can implement right away.

Submissions should:

  • Be 100% original and not published anywhere else.
  • Be well-written, clear, interesting, and above all, helpful.
  • Provide attribution for all data or statistics cited with a hyperlink.
  • Not be overly self-promotional.
  • Include a one-to two-sentence author bio with a headshot.
  • Include all images as separate attachments.
  • Be 1,200 – 1,800 words in length

Five Items to Note:

  1. We reserve the right to reject contributions at our discretion.
  2. Guest contributors may not republish their published contribution to the essentialSQL Blog in its entirety anywhere else.
  3. We reserve the right to edit, adapt, update, and republish contributions at our discretion.
  4. Calls-to-action to essentialSQL content may be added to published submissions.
  5. In rare cases, contributed posts may be removed from the blog.

How to Submit:

Send your completed post to kris [at] essentialsql [dot] com with the subject line “essentialSQL Blog Pitch.” You should hear back from us within two business days.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the essentialSQL Blog. We look forward to receiving your work.