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Tips and Myths… What you Need to Know to Write Stored Procedures

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In This FREE Masterclass


To Recognize a Stored Procedure

Learn that what is a stored procedure, and why you already have the ability to write them.

What Tools are Needed to write Stored Procedures.

Learn what tools are needed to write stored procedures.

The Steps To Writing A Stored Procedure

Learn the main steps to use to write a stored procedure.

“Just learning what the parameters are was so useful! I have been trying to read this companies procs and it was alien. Now I know that those 60+ lines in the proc will return only 3 pieces of information (many rows but only 3 columns!)”

Dominga Belardo


Learning to write stored procedures is within your reach!

Whether you feel you’ve got the basics down and want to learn more SQL, or you’ve hit a wall learning SQL, I’ve got your back.

I have a knack for breaking down complicated concepts into easy-to-understand bits.  I’d love to show you what I mean.

Join me to finally learn what it takes to Level-up your SQL

A Note From The Instructor…

I personally cannot wait to have you join my master class.  I’m so excited to share with you my approach to learning SQL. I’m holding this webinar for you because I really want to see you succeed in learning Stored Procedures.

I started using SQL in 1989. Today is it more popular than ever.

SQL has helped me advance my career. Over the years I’ve taken on several roles, from Software Developer to IT Manager. Throughout my journey one thing is constant – SQL is the tool of choice to query databases.

Whether you’re a working business analyst or software developer, this free master class is for you. I’m really looking forward to helping level up your SQL.

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© 2021 Easy Computer Academy, LLC

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