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9 Best Study Tips for 70-761 Certification



Check out these 9 best study tips I came across in to help you with 70-761 certification.

If you’re planning on studying for exam 70-761, the I would recommend that you put these good habits into practice today.  You’ll see that cramming isn’t effective, so its best to plan ahead.

9 Best Study Tips

Whether you aiming for you 70-761 certification, or just want to put in some dedicated time to learn more SQL, check out this video.  The tips are great!


Now that you watched the video let’s see how these tips can apply to the 70-761 certification.

9 Best Tips for 70-761 Certification

The 70-761 certification is a daunting activity.  Obtaining this certification takes dedications and a plan.  By learning how to apply these tips, you save time and get more our of your studies.

Tip 1 – Study in Small Short Chunks

Cramming doesn’t work, instead plan to study in small short chunks.  Try to find 30 minutes each day, such as during lunch, or on the train ride home to study.  Also, if really helps if you have a plan.  [thrive_2step id=’3927′]Get my 70-761 study plan here[/thrive_2step].  It will same you hours in figuring out what to study and in which order.

Tip 2 – Find a Specific Time to Study

The best way you get all in short study session is to regularly schedule them.  I know life can be hectic, and it is hard to  weave study time in to our busy work and family schedules, but it can be done!

Try to study for half hour over lunch, or during you son’s soccer practice.  If you’re having trouble carving time out of your day, then get a half hour earlier.

70-761 Certification Study Guide

Tip 3 – Setup Flash Cards

Rather than repeatedly reading that SQL book you like create flash cards of the important subjects.  You’ll get more out of your study time, plus, creating the cards helps as well.  Plus, cards are portable and easy to pull out to study in a pinch.  If you don’t want to make cards the old-fashioned way, use Quizlet.  There are several 70-761 Quizlet decks for you to use.

Tip 4 – Set up a Specific Goal for each Study Session.

This is where a guide can really help.  Dedicate each session to focus on a specific section with the guide.  This will help you avoid studying material twice.

Tip 5 – Explain what you Learned in Simple Terms

At the end of each study session write couple of sentences explaining, in simple terms, what you learned.  This serves as a test to see if you know the material.  If you can explain it simply, then you don’t know it well enough.

Study as if you’ll be expected to teach the material.  You’ll learn more.  I can really vouch for this!  I have learned so much putting together my essentialSQL blog.  Just having to write out all the articles has taught me so much!

[thrive_2step id=’3927′]Trigger goes here[/thrive_2step]

Tip 6 – Practice, Practice, Practice

Get yourself hooked up with a practice test.  Practice test help you put your brain in to the environment.  Also, you learn from your mistakes!  They help you understand what areas you should focus more attention, to get it right the next time.

Practice tests are a great way to gain confidence.  Once you have worked thought a practice test several times, you’ll know for sure what areas require future study.  This will save you time, since you won’t be wasting time studying topics you already know.

Check out my 70-761 Practice exam.  It goes hand in hand with my study guide.

Tip 7 – Dedicated Study Spot

Set up a dedicated space where you can study.  Have all the materials need ready at hand.  Having a dedicated space can also help with “priming,” that is letting your brain know it is about to study.

Tip 8 – Study without Music

Studies show that studying music, especially rhythmic cause you to have less focus.

Tip 9 – Turn off the Phone!

The phone will only server to distract you.  Put it in air plane mode so you’re not disturbed.  If you’re using a computer to run queries, then make sure all the notifications are turned off.  Resist the urge to check email or Facebook.  Doing so just wastes your precious study time!

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