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EssentialSQL 70-761 Resource Page



To help you get the most out your studying time, I put together this 70-761 resource page to help you succeed in getting ready for your certification.  These resources help you prepare to take the 70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server Certification exam.

Microsoft’s Official 70-761 Resource Page

When preparing for the 70-761, your first stop should the official 70-761 page.  Here you can find access to Microsoft related resources, an overview of the test, and what topics you can expect to know prior to taking the test.

Though this page outlines what topics and concepts are covered, it doesn’t show which topics to study and in what order.  That is why you’ll find the next resource indispensable.

70-761 Study Guide

70-761 Resource Page

The 70-761 study guide main purpose is to outline all the topics you’ll need to know to pass the 70-761 exam.  The topics organized in a logical progression.  That way you can focus on learning the core concepts, and once those are mastered move onto advanced topics.

[thrive_2step id=’3927′]You can get a copy of the guide here.[/thrive_2step]

Trust me, this is a great resource.  It will help you understand what areas within the following twenty-three topics to study!

The topics are broken up into ten sections.  These sections correspond to a specific online quiz we’ve created to help you prepare.

70-761 Online Quiz

Essential SQL201 70-761 Online Practice Exam:  This is a series of 10 quizzes, each structured according to our study guide.  There are over 200 questions to help you gain confidence and prepare for the 70-761 certification.

Taking online quizzes is an effective way to prepare for an exam.  Here are some of the benefits:

  • Identify gaps in knowledge so you’ll know what to learn, and not wasting time on stuff you know.
  • Experience questions you’ll expect to see on the test.  Gain Confidence!  Take out the mystery of the unknown.
  • Understand which area of study require more focus.
  • Reduce anxiety, by getting better prepared and knowing what to expect.
  • By practicing, you learn more and increase your chance to pass the certification.Also play into the idea that the quiz can help you put together your plan.

I would recommend talking the online quiz so that you can identify which topics to include in your study plan.  Then, with your plan in hand, you can use the quiz to practice and reinforce your learning.

70-761 Study Plan

This article provide a great overview on how to create a study plan so you’ll know what to study and how long it will take.

We’ll put this plan together in a couple of steps:

  1. Calculate your 70-761 Certification Study Budget
  2. Identify Topics and Lesions
  3. Create a schedule
  4. Commit to Success!

Once you’ve gone through these steps you’ll know what to study, how long it will take, and your exam date.  So, let’s get to it!

Exam Ref 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL

Querying Data with Transaction-SQL:  Use as a reference to lean more about a particular topic.  The book contains clear explanations of each topic.


Study topics are broken down into bit size pieces.

Querying Data with Transact-SQL – Exam 70-761 Certification Training [Online Code]


Exam 70-761 Certification Training:  This online course steps you through the basics of T-SQL.   Once you have completed the course you’ll have a good understanding of the topics covered on the certification exam.

SQL Queries for Mere Mortals: A Hands-On Guide to Data Manipulation in SQL (3rd Edition)


A Hands-On Guide to Data Manipulation in SQL (3rd Edition) This book eases the reader into SQL.  It is a great beginning book.  It covers all the basic concepts of SQL and relational databases.  Their approach to writing queries is to first write the query in English and through a series of transformations end with SQL.  Great resource!

I hope you find this 70-761 Resource Page useful.  In addition, I would love to know what resources you liked to use to study for the 70-761 exam.  Just post in the comments your favorites!

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